Years ago, Japan faced a catastrophic event when mysterious dimensional gates appeared across the country. These gates were connected to a dimension known as Mato. However, through these rifts emerged terrifying monsters called Shuuki, which laid waste to villages, plunging the nation into chaos. Japan was on the brink of collapse until a miraculous discovery was made. In the attempt to fight the Shuuki they discovered strange peaches that could grant supernatural powers to those who consumed them. However, there was a catch: only women could harness these powers. This revelation led to a significant divide between the sexes, reshaping societal roles and prompting the formation of the Anti-Demon Corps, a specialized force tasked with combating the Shuuki. With the power of the Peaches, the women of the Anti-Demon Corps pushed back the monstrous Shuuki, forcing them into retreat and stabilizing the situation. Yet, the gates to Mato still opened intermittently, and those unfortunate enough to be caught within them were stranded in the otherworldly dimension. To address this ongoing threat, the Anti-Demon Corps established bases within Mato itself, dedicated to rescuing trapped civilians and maintaining a fragile defense against the ever-present danger. However, everything changed when armor individuals started showing up in Mato killing the Shuuki. If that wasn't shocking, they were also assisted by mechanical beasts. Their sudden appearance left the Anti-Demon Corps in awe and confusion. Who were these armored warriors, and why did they fight against the Shuuki? The mystery surrounding them sparked intense interest among the leadership of the Anti-Demon Corps, who saw in these warriors a potential game-changer a hope that could finally turn the tide in humanity's fight for survival.