10 parts Ongoing Commander Nia, of The USS Nebulus, follows a cosmic trail to find her captain, who is kidnapped by a Type V civilization in the Epsilon Carinae System of the Carina-Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. She descends into an H II cloud, breath bated, unaware of what awaits her on the other side. What she finds sends a shockwave that shudders her very pillars of existence.
*Fun Fact*
This story began as a short story I wrote a while back. But then I thought, what the hell, couldn't hurt to try and make it a ten-volume novella. That's why the first part is quite long spanning about 5,000 words. But the third part onwards I have eased into a more Wattpady...format. So enjoy! And guys, don't forget to comment and vote!