Everyone has their struggles and for Louis, it is his English Lit class because he just can’t get his head around the work. He is on the verge of failing and even his best friend, Zayn, can’t seem to save Louis from his approaching failure, and he is clutching at straws. With the suggestion to try reading more, Louis finds himself in front of his computer reading stories from unpublished authors. Before long, those authors become his friends, and with their support, maybe Louis can improve. Louis wants these people in his reality and not just his virtual world, but he wasn’t prepared for the trouble it would cause. Everything is backwards, it’s upside down and in the blink of an eye, Louis doesn’t know if he’s lost or he’s won; all he knows is that he’s in uncharted territory. Now Louis is just confused, and he doesn’t have a clue what to do.
Sometimes the people you meet on the Internet can help you more than the people you know in real life.