This is a Bodaki short story based off of the fabulous SwiftKhaos's drawing, "Please Stay, Don't Drain Away" (Title shortened ;3) Like CRUSH, it had no story to go with it and I felt like it needed one (Also my friend ships this hardcore and she got mad at me when I showed her the picture, and I have a death wish (not really X3))
-I did not draw the cover. Like I said, an amazing artist named SwiftKhaos did. ALSO, this is not from her current feels war with TaxeyCab, this was from her previous war with GalipTurtle, which I believe she won. I just wanted to write a story for the drawing because I like to piss of my friend, and I feel it needed one :3
-This is a short story, not A BOOK of short stories, after I've published this, there will be no continuation.
- Just keep in mind that I, the fabulous author, have nothing against snowmen.
Notes to Swift:
- Thank you for giving me permission to write this! It means a lot!
-If you want me to take this story down at anytime, I will without hesitation.
I believe that's it! If you read these reminders, thank you, you may now proceed to the story.
Also, thank you again to Swift for saying I could do this :)