Mizu Shinoda, a quiet and enigmatic 12th-grade student at Toyokawa High School, has always been an outsider. Known for his striking looks, Mizu has become the subject of endless gossip, but the rumors mask the painful reality of his past. He endured a troubled childhood filled with bullying, which left him emotionally distant and stoic. While others see him as mysterious and untouchable, Mizu hides behind his silence, fearing the world that once hurt him. Everything changes when he meets Rinko Murakami, a bubbly and joyful 11th-grade student from a Fujimi Junior & Senior High school. Unlike the people around Mizu who are fascinated by his appearance but never truly see him, Rinko sees beyond the rumors. Her warm personality and kind nature slowly draw Mizu out of his shell, and against all odds, they begin to fall for each other. The series follows their delicate journey as Mizu wrestles with his insecurities and Rinko patiently chips away at his defenses. Through intimate, heartfelt moments and quiet exchanges, they both discover the strength in vulnerability and the healing power of love. But as their feelings deepen, Mizu is forced to confront the scars of his past and the rumors that continue to swirl around him. Can he truly allow himself to trust Rinko, or will the weight of his past push them apart? Tagline: "Behind the quiet lies a story only she could hear." The Monster and a Princess explores the themes of healing, acceptance, and the unexpected connections that form when two very different people find each other. It's a slow-burning love story where a distant boy with a troubled past learns to open his heart to the one person who sees him for who he really is.