Sharp witted Breylin Gesdrae has spent fourteen years growing up in Sinklanding: a seedy slum smack in the center of Hinegadd City. For most Sinklanders, every day's a fight to stay alive, but for Breylin, life's been pretty good. She's never wondered why, until one fateful night, when the secrets of her mother's business start to spill.
Soon Breylin will be caught in a race against fate to save her mother's life, and there's only one way to do it. She'll have to get wise, prove her worth, and earn an audience with the Trustmaster...
Writing during my time in school that I found worthy of posting. As well as anything off hand I write that I want to share. They all will probably be short. 3-5 paragraphs, with a few exceptions either way.
I hope you all enjoy them! Leave any comments so I know what you think or how I can improve. If you really like it please vote for the story or check out my other works! Thank you, kind people.