Yeosang, a shy and hardworking college student, spends his days balancing school and his part-time job at a café. Among the regular customers is Jongho, a composed and mysterious businessman who frequents the café every morning. Though they exchange few words, Yeosang has always admired Jongho from afar, building up an idealized version of him in his head. As Yeosang nears graduation, he plans to apply for a job at Jongho's company, believing that working for someone like him would be a dream. However, once Yeosang secures the job, he quickly realizes that Jongho is not the kind and approachable man he imagined. Instead, Jongho is distant, harsh, and far more demanding in the workplace, forcing Yeosang to confront the reality that his idealized crush may not match the complicated man behind it.
Haunted by strange dreams, Hongjoong begins to question the blurry line between right and wrong.
Seonghwa has the perfect life, but yearns for a muse other than his provocative boyfriend.
Unfortunately, these troubled men find each other before they find themselves.