This is the story of Ayame, a young artistic gymnast who, due to a stroke of fate, can no longer practise her sport. In search of a new purpose in life, she comes to Sendai from her home town of Sapporo by chance to work in the house of a famous figure skater... This is the story of Yuzuru, a famous figure skater in his early 30s, who - exhausted and tired - doesn't know what to do with his life, his career... Will he remain lonely or will fate give him something new and wonderful? It's the year 2026. What will the future hold for both of them? What's the story behind the statue in the moonlight? Why does the house make noises at night? What is happening at the lake? Who needs to be rescued? Going through ups and downs together... where will their path lead them? Exciting, humorous, dramatic, highly emotional, erotic and sexy... for all Fanyus and those who want to become one! Contains adult content! Please read authors note!
101 parts