In the heart of Republic City, where ambition and greed intertwine, Korra stands as the privileged daughter of a formidable business tycoon, sheltered from the harsh realities of life just beyond her gilded existence. Once inseparable, her childhood friendship with Emi-a tenacious girl from a destitute squatter community-is irreparably fractured when Korra's father orchestrates the ruthless destruction of Emi's home, resulting in an unspeakable tragedy that claims countless lives, including Emi's family.
Emerging from the ashes of loss, Emi is adopted by the notorious Hiroshi Sato, who reign over Future Industries. Now known as Asami, she embodies her new identity while harboring a burning desire for revenge against the businessmen who tore her world apart. Asami navigates the treacherous landscape of power and deceit, unaware that her path is inexorably linked to the very girl she once loved.
TW: this story mentions the progression of a terminal illness that can be upsetting. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Patient x Nurse AU [korrasami]
There's an unsettling feeling in the bottom of my stomach and it's just struck me how beautiful this woman really is.
"We can live our lives grieving the inevitable losses of this tragic world, or we can live every day in gratitude that our beautiful soul and the beautiful souls of those around us, have lived another day."
An athlete, hoping to star in the Olympic Games someday, now bound to four hospital walls due to a terminal illness. With her parents in and out of the country, Korra feels more alone than ever. That's until she meets a nurse who shows her how precious life really is.
No bending. Modern Patient x Nurse AU
TW: this story mentions the progression of a terminal illness that can be upsetting. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
I've had this written for a long time and a friend and I are working through it together.
I do not own the characters. The creators of the legend of Korra are the rightful owners.
Cover is created by jellolegos