Ethan, a 23-year-old university student living in a modern city, leads an ordinary life-until one day, everything changes. After witnessing a mysterious explosion at the train station, he experiences something strange: time around him slows down, and he feels a powerful, rhythmic pulse inside his chest. This pulse isn't just in his mind-it's the awakening of a rare and mystical ability known as the "Hidden Pulse."
Ethan discovers that there are others like him, people who can manipulate time, nature, or even emotions. However, this power comes with danger. A secret organization called The Order of the Veil has been tracking individuals with these abilities for centuries, seeking to control or eliminate them. Ethan becomes their next target.
As Ethan tries to understand his newfound powers, he meets Dr. Morgan, a mysterious mentor who knows the truth about the Hidden Pulse and the dark intentions of The Order. With Dr. Morgan's help, Ethan must decide whether to fight against The Order and protect his freedom, or succumb to the organization's control.
Along the way, Ethan's best friend, Alex, unknowingly gets drawn into the conflict, forcing Ethan to make difficult choices about who he can trust and how to wield the dangerous power within him. As tensions rise, Ethan must confront powerful enemies, uncover the secrets of his abilities, and ultimately face the choice between good and evi