41 parts Ongoing MaturePreviously known as Suno na Sangmarmar...
Adraksh and Advitya Oberoi are powerful and cold-hearted CEOs, known for their ruthlessness in the business world. But beneath their steely exteriors, they are fiercely protective of the one person who means everything to them: their beloved niece, Mira. After their sister was tragically murdered by her husband, the brothers took Mira in and vowed to shield her from any harm. Her father, however, will stop at nothing to hurt her, and the Oberois are prepared to do whatever it takes to protect her.
When a chance encounter leads bubbly and warm-hearted Rhea Mehra to Mira, an unbreakable bond forms between them in a single day. Mira's instant attachment to Rhea sparks something unexpected in Adraksh's cold heart, and he hatches a plan-one that involves a contract marriage with Rhea. But while his intentions are calculated, Rhea's kindness and warmth start to thaw his icy facade.
Meanwhile, Advitya Oberoi finds himself drawn to Amaya Mehra, Rhea's equally captivating yet fiery sister. Unlike Adraksh, Advitya's approach is far more aggressive, forcing Amaya into a marriage she never wanted. As their lives intertwine, secrets unravel, passions ignite, and love battles against the demons of their pasts.
But with danger looming and Mira's safety on the line, will the Oberoi brothers find redemption and true love, or will their dark pasts tear everything apart?