The story begins with Toya Todoroki, now grown, still holding onto his dream of becoming a hero alongside his father, Endeavor. Despite his father's continued refusal to support him, Toya's determination only grows stronger over the years as he strives to improve and prove himself. In this world, Toya never becomes the figure he was destined to be, and Tenko and Himiko Toga are far from the paths they might have followed. Their lives unfold in unexpected ways, bound by secrets and unspoken connections. State: Still GoingAll Rights Reserved
The story begins with Toya Todoroki, now grown, still holding onto his dream of becoming a hero alongside his father, Endeavor. Despite his father's continued refusal to support him, Toya's determination only grows stronger over the years as he strives to improve and prove himself. In this world, Toya never becomes the figure he was destined to be, and Tenko and Himiko Toga are far from the paths they might have followed. Their lives unfold in unexpected ways, bound by secrets and unspoken connections. State: Still Going