Title: The Shattered Vows
In a world where love is often the casualty of power, Sahil finds himself trapped in an arranged marriage-a contract sealed by his parents for the sake of business. To him, this marriage is nothing more than a cold transaction. He despises his wife, tanya, who, unknown to him, has loved him for as long as she can remember.
His heart, however, belongs to a girl from his past-a fleeting childhood crush who moved to New York and never returned. Little does he know, the very woman he has married is that same girl, but he remains blind to her true identity. He believes his crush is still in New York, unaware that she is right beside him, bearing the weight of unrequited love.
As time passes, Sahil turns to another, starting a dangerous affair that shatters the fragile vows of their marriage. But just when the deception seems unbearable, tanya's world collapses in a way neither of them could have anticipated-she is diagnosed with stage three cancer.
With her days numbered and her heart aching from his betrayal, will the truth of her identity come to light before it's too late? Will Sahil be able to save his marriage after discovering who she truly is, or will the shattered vows remain broken beyond repair?