Brianna Grady is a normal Sophomore, crushing on the Senior Danny Theler, living in St.Louis, Missouri. Her dad just so happens to be Owen Grady, a researcher in Velociraptor behavior. Yes Velociraptor. As in the dinosaur. Simon Masrani has teamed up InGen and have created the 'safest theme park in the world'. Jurassic World. Where man has created dinosaurs and has decided to play God. Of course there would be an incident on Island Nublar. There's always an incident with dinosaurs. From Jurassic Park to San Deigo. Only this time Brianna, Owen, and some new faces will be stuck in the middle of it. Buckle your seat belts, and pray that Life Will Find A Way. BOOK MAY SEEM SHORT BUT CHAPTERS ARE MOSTLY LONGAll Rights Reserved