Hayami Saito, renowned for her familial ties as the cousin of Ushijima Wakatoshi, the star player of Shiratorizawa Academy, made an unexpected choice for her high school journey. Despite having significant connections to the prestigious schools in the area, she decided to attend Karasuno High School, following the legacy of her mother who was an alumna there. A passionate sports enthusiast, Hayami had hoped to immerse herself in the competitive and vibrant sports culture of her new school. Her excitement, however, was tempered by the reality of her chronic health condition, which restricted her from participating in any physically demanding sports clubs-a source of great frustration for her.
Determined not to let her physical limitations completely bar her from the world of sports, Hayami sought other avenues to stay connected to her passion. She found an opportunity within the photography club, which intrigued her as a way to blend her love for sports with her interest in visual storytelling. Joining the club, she quickly learned that each member was assigned to cover a different sports team, tasked with creating a detailed photo portfolio documenting the team's journey over the year.
For Hayami, this assignment offered a unique chance to still be part of the high-energy world of athletics, albeit from behind the lens. She was eager to embrace this role, knowing it would allow her to contribute in a meaningful way despite her inability to compete physically. Her assignment to the volleyball team, in particular, felt like a serendipitous opportunity, as she could document the underdog story of Karasuno's rise to prominence while also finding a new way to connect with her peers and celebrate their collective spirit.