In a world where heroes collide with extraordinary powers, Diana Ultra, the first-ever Time Runner and a fierce leader of the Resistance, arrives at the Avengers' base to begin her journey as a recruit. With her unique abilities, including super speed and sonic manipulation, she quickly captures the attention of Bucky Barnes, the brooding and battle-hardened soldier. As they navigate the challenges of training, an unexpected bond forms between them, leading to heartfelt moments filled with encouragement, laughter, and love. When an accident during a training course threatens to derail Diana's confidence, Bucky steps in to support her, igniting a passionate connection that blossoms into a romance. As they grow closer, the rest of the Avengers watch in awe, both at Diana's extraordinary skills and the deepening relationship between the unlikely pair. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the Avengers, Diana's transformation from a nervous recruit to a confident warrior unfolds, culminating in a grand celebration where she reveals her true self. With Bucky by her side, she learns the importance of trust, mentorship, and choosing the right path in her hero's journey. Together, they discover that love can be the strongest power of all, propelling them forward in a world that demands their very best.
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.