Haunting Adeline is a gripping psychological thriller that follows Adeline, a young woman living in the eerie Parsons Manor, a Victorian house steeped in tragedy and ghostly legends. Each night, she is watched by a mysterious man standing outside her window, his presence stirring a confusing mix of fear and inexplicable excitement within her. Despite the terror he invokes, Adeline can't help but feel drawn to him, a strange attraction that only deepens as he returns every night, growing bolder in his gaze.
The house, inherited from her grandparents, holds a dark history. It was built in the 1940s by her great-grandparents, but during its construction, a tragic fire killed five workers. Though the event is unrecorded, the manor is said to be haunted by their restless spirits. Adeline often hears footsteps in the night, unsure whether they are the ghosts of the past or the man who watches her.
As Adeline's fear intertwines with a twisted sense of desire, she becomes consumed by the mystery of the figure outside. The thrill of being watched grows, yet she is terrified that the line between fascination and danger is blurring. The house's history, combined with the enigmatic man's presence, forces Adeline to confront her deepest fears and desires, ultimately questioning the nature of her attraction to the unknown.
In Haunting Adeline, the tension between fear and desire weaves a dark, captivating narrative, where the past and present collide, and the line between obsession and terror is dangerously thin.
all credit goes To HD CARLTON.
Written by Izen Torres
January 7th 2003 - February 18th 2022
Rest in peace
*Abuse* *torture* *anxiety* *panic attacks*
"I'm not a traitor!"
"What would you be betraying? They kidnapped you as a child! Stole you from your family! Deprived you of a childhood! Deprived you of love! Why would you be loyal to that?"
"They gave me everything!"
"They took everything away in the first place."
"Shut up!"