To Matty Winchester, there are three perfect things in the world. Cowboys, cheese sandwiches, and his big brothers. Other than that, everything kinda sucks.
The thing that sucks the most, in his opinion, is this stupid demon business he's caught up in. It's all his dad's fault. If Matty was a normal kid, he wouldn't have to live in a car or shoot at evil spirits, or eat cold Spaghettio-s out of the can. But he's not. According to his dad, actually, he's pretty 𝘢𝘣normal. Or the technical term for it, which is called being a freak.
So, when Matty's dad vanishes one day, he's secretly kinda relieved. It's nice to get away from all the stress. And hey, it even means he gets to see his brother Sammy again. One of his three perfect things.
But, just like everything, it all comes with a price.