The story is set 25 years after Ayanokōji Kiyotaka graduated ANHS. A young man named Ryō Kitahama is transferred into ANHS as a second year. He curious about the existence of Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, and wonders what his past may have been. "Born" in a poor family, he was enrolled in ANHS in order to save money, and was accepted. His goal is to graduate from Class A in order to help his family's situation. After being put in a destroyed Class D, will he give up or does he have something else up his sleeve? For now, his true goal remains unknown... A fanfic sequel (?) of Classroom of the Elite. All credit comes from Kinugasa for being the author of Classroom of the Elite. Even though it's a sequel, I think you can still read this. It would be good to have atleast finished the anime or read year 1. I combined, moving schools and COTE and boom. Hahaha I was bored. Please help me with the story by pointing out what's wrong or something confusing or just put your opinion on something. I'd like it to be non-toxic (lol). Anyways happy reading!
7 parts