A haunting tale of two sisters, Lily and Rose, whose childhood innocence is shattered when Lily mysteriously disappears within the walls of their ancient, secrets-filled house. Rose, bound by a fierce love for her sister, must confront the shadows that lurk within the house, uncovering a hidden darkness that threatens to consume them both. As Rose searches for Lily, she uncovers a web of forgotten secrets and chilling truths about their family's past, facing a terrifying reality that transcends the boundaries of childhood games. The story weaves a tapestry of suspense, mystery, and a touch of the supernatural, exploring the depths of sisterly love and the enduring power of fear in the face of the unknown.
Faith's life has been anything but easy.
From the divorce of her parents to moving to a completely different state, she has to learn to accommodate the changes that have come to her life in such a short amount of time.
The thing is, this town is different, and she's beginning to notice small things that set certain individuals apart from others. Being thrusted into a world of change, a world, she needs to save, how will Faith cope when she realises that everything she thought she knew, turns out to be wrong?
This town is going to make or break her.
The only question is, which one will it be?