In a land where ancient magic and fierce battles shape the fate of kingdoms, a group of unlikely heroes embarks on a perilous journey to stop the rise of a dark power. Alexander, a brave but conflicted warrior, joins forces with the charismatic Prince William, the wise wizard Modak, and a colorful cast of recruits, including the witty blacksmith Angus and the silent, stoic warrior Augustine. Together, they seek to gather allies to face an impending threat: the resurrection of King Arthur, a once-noble ruler now corrupted by dark magic.
As tensions rise between Alexander and William over their shared affection for the mysterious Aya, the group must navigate treacherous lands and dangerous enemies. Along the way, they adopt a loyal dog and face countless obstacles, unaware that Arthur, now a grotesque figure of evil, is building his strength and preparing to unleash his vengeance on the world.
With a balance of camaraderie, humor, and action, this epic adventure explores themes of loyalty, jealousy, and the fight against a powerful and corrupt force. But as Arthur's power grows, the heroes realize they are up against an evil stronger than any they have ever faced-and their journey is only just beginning.
In a country divided by a blood feud, a unifying festival brings both sides together for a few weeks of celebration. Reds, society's elites, are forced to interact with Blues, society's poorest and most unfortunate citizens.
But on the last night of the festival, a plague sinks its unbiased teeth into the land, blind to blood. Soon, both Reds and Blues scramble for a solution to cure the plague and a succeeding famine.
What will happen when a set of deadly citizens are thrown together in order to save the fate of the world through an ancient, forgotten prophecy?
Blood feuds and deep desires threaten to disrupt their dynamic, but despite it, they must work together to finally end the destruction inflicted upon the land.
Love can transpire in unlikely places, if fate declares it so.
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Published December 18, 2023.