We follow the story of Jeremiah South, a curious and imaginative ten-year-old boy growing up in an American town in Montgomery, Alabama during one of the most transformative years in history. As 1917 unfolds, Jeremiah's world shifts dramatically, both on a global scale and in his personal life.
The backdrop of World War I looms large, as older boys from his town enlist to fight overseas, and families, including Jeremiah's, grapple with fear and uncertainty. Jeremiah watches as his brother joins the war effort, leaving behind his family and his home. The sense of duty and patriotism conflicts with the personal sacrifices many must make, and Jeremiah begins to understand the complexities of loyalty, courage, and loss.
At school, Jeremiah learns about the world beyond Montgomery - from the suffragette movement advocating for women's rights to the technological advances that are transforming everyday life. The book captures how these larger events intersect with the innocence of childhood, as Jeremiah navigates friendships, family responsibilities, and the simple joys of being a child during a difficult time in history.
A young man discovers what it means to be free. Pre!American Revolution AU.
Warning: Character death. If you don't like death or your favourite character dying, turn back now. If not, please proceed.
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