Meri Puliyaa Paar Wali Dost is a heartfelt tale that explores the profound bond of friendship through the eyes of a devoted friend. This narrative delves into the life of a remarkable girl who resides just across a metaphorical bridge-a bridge that symbolizes both distance and connection. While the world often overlooks her beauty and strength, our protagonist is determined to remind her of the incredible person she truly is.
As they navigate the ups and downs of life, their relationship becomes a sanctuary of support and understanding. Through shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and moments of vulnerability, the story unfolds, revealing how true friendship can inspire self-acceptance and personal growth.
Join this journey across the puliyaa, where the power of friendship illuminates the path to recognizing one's worth and embracing the beauty within.
These are GXG oneshots I've decided to write
This book is kinky so if you're not comfortable with that.. im sorry this book isn't for you
[Intersex: A girl having a dick]