Synopsis of Beneath the Mask
In the poetic and emotionally charged story Beneath the Mask, Nova, a resilient and intuitive Black woman, finds herself entangled in a relationship with a narcissistic man who hides behind a charming facade. Though he tries to manipulate her, Nova's strength and discernment allow her to see through his lies, exposing the wounds he desperately hides. As she pretends to play the fool, Nova begins to unravel the narcissist's web of deceit, revealing his emotional unavailability and cowardice.
As karma begins to take its toll, the man is left vulnerable and broken, crying out to God as he drowns in the consequences of his actions. His manipulations, lies, and betrayals turn against him, stripping him to the bone, as he realizes too late that Nova was sent into his life to bless, heal, and elevate him. Instead, he chose darkness.
Now, Nova rises from the ashes of their broken relationship, stronger and wiser, living an abundant life that her former lover can only watch from the shadows. The mask that once symbolized his power now lies forgotten, collecting dust, a relic of the past. Nova ascends, knowing that her strength, clarity, and discernment have carried her through the storm, leaving the narcissist trapped in his own cycles-lifetime after lifetime.