In the bustling world of aspiring heroes, friendships can blossom in the most unexpected places. "A Chance Encounter" follows Eijiro Kirishima, the cheerful and determined student with an unbreakable spirit, as he navigates his everyday adventures at U.A. High School. One fateful afternoon, he wanders into a local convenience store after a grueling training session, hoping to indulge in some well-deserved snacks.
There, amidst the aisles of chips and energy drinks, he unexpectedly crosses paths with Katsuki Bakugo-the explosive and fiery rival who has always been a source of both inspiration and frustration. Known for his fierce personality and relentless drive, Bakugo is not one to easily let anyone into his world. But as Kirishima's infectious optimism and unwavering kindness break down Bakugo's walls, a deeper connection begins to form.
What starts as a chance meeting over snack choices evolves into a journey of self-discovery and understanding. As they navigate the complexities of their rivalry, underlying feelings begin to surface, challenging their perceptions of friendship and love. With each shared moment, they inch closer to realizing that beneath their contrasting exteriors lies a bond that could spark a fire neither of them anticipated.
Join Kirishima and Bakugo as they explore the intricacies of their relationship, discovering the transformative power of connection, and ultimately unearthing what it truly means to understand and love someone-sparks and all. In a world filled with heroes, will their growing friendship lead to something more profound, or will the pressures of their lives tear them apart?
You and your twin brother are known to be very close and rowdy at times. Both of you were in separate Hero classes yet still supported each other.
You would constantly tease a classmate, Katsuki Bakugo, and get questioned for doing so, even by your brother. The answer was never there, since you didnt know why. But after an even that caused your brother to be separated from you, and the loss of something else that's important, something within you leaned on a person you never thought would be your new best friend.
How will you push past this life struggle with this new friend helping you out?
~I do not own My Hero Academia or it's characters, but I do create the main character of this story and a few of the events.
~Explicit language used.
~Spoilers for the anime and possibly manga