The story follows a young woman named Anya, who is relentlessly bullied at her university. Anya is struggling with depression, but keeps it a secret, silently enduring the torment. She finds solace in a kind and compassionate student named Ethan, who is aware of the bullying but oblivious to her internal struggles. Ethan is haunted by the unsolved murder of his twin sister, and the guilt that he bears for having been accused of the crime and thrown into prison. Ethan wants to help Anya, but his own past trauma prevents him from truly connecting with her. Anya's world crumbles when she discovers that the person she thought was her friend is actually the one who has been orchestrating the bullying. Devastated and heartbroken, Anya takes her own life in front of her tormentors, leaving behind a chilling message: "I didn't kill anyone, but do you know who killed me?" The story explores the immediate aftermath of Anya's suicide, focusing on the guilt and remorse of the bullies, and the grief and despair of Ethan. It also explores the long-term consequences of Anya's death, as Ethan struggles to come to terms with his own past and find a way to move forward.
8 parts