Hi...um how exactly do I start this...? um well I guess I should tell you my name. the name's Ravin, Ravin Thorn and I live with my mom Amanda Rose. As for the rest of my family, there's my older sister Rose and my Dad Shadow Thorn. I usually go by the name Shadow to tell the truth so call me by whatever name you like. Oh right I'm suppose to be talking about this story or as I call it, my life. My life is pretty okay, well that was before Louis came into my life. I rember when life was a struggle to live through, you know going through each day asking if it was worth it. But when I think about it, I ask myself "when was it not?". I mean after being ra- whoops! almost spoiled the story there, though you'll learn pretty quickly what's been happening in my life. Actually you'll get to read more than that. find out what's what in my debut story, Double Fun.
A book only providing random scenes about the Delgado family from the past, present and future <3
Almost all scenes brought to you by fellow readers :)
*reading Isabella and Delgado may be beneficial before reading these scenes*