This is my true life story, i was like in 7-8th grade and i used to go in a bus. Earlier i did not used to speak to anyone in the bus as i was afraid of bullying because i was a fat girl. But later on, things had changed and i could speak to everyone about anything. One day, i was speaking to the boys at the end of the bus and it was so full that one could barely move. There was a kid among us who the boys used to bully since he had a dark complexion. We were talking about something and all of a sudden these boys started pairing up my name with that black kid i told them not to but they did not stop. They started tickling that boy in the stomach and i was right behind him getting hit by his ass and it did not feel right as he was getting touched to my private area below. I tried a lot to stop the boys but they were enjoying it and laughing. Then, my home came and i got off the bus i remained silent about the whole day as my parents never support me they think i am always the problem. So, i knew they would never take my side. I could not forget about this for days and told no one but later i just let it go. I used to think that if i will tell my parents about this then the boys will tell them about my crushes at school and that i use abusive words but i was a kid i did not understand at that time that these things do not matter. I was then once touched on my breasts by a guy in the bus but i don't know if it was intentional so i never complained neither did he say sorry. I still think of telling this to my mom as now i am abroad away from them but she always sound like she does not want to talk to me just want to disconnect the call. I am now 21 and all of a sudden now this incident has tarted bothering me which had stopped in between. I have completely lost myself i do not feel confident i feel unloved and like no one listens to me so i came here to write hoping that there will be someone who will actually read my story.All Rights Reserved