In ZOID Masters: Revolution War, the vibrant planet of Terranova serves as the headquarters for the ZOID Masters: Freedom Fighters, a brave group led by Mira, a skilled ZOID pilot and former champion of the Intergalactic Tournament. After a devastating attack by the Dark Specter ZOIDs during the tournament, which aimed to crush the spirits of ZOID pilots, Mira's determination intensifies. She rallies her friends and fellow pilots, transforming them into a formidable resistance force against the oppressive Dominion of Darkness.
As Captain, Mira orchestrates their strategies, while Eli, now a Major and her chief engineer, enhances her ZOID, Terrasaur, for battle. The team consists of loyal allies, including Astra, Luna, Celia, Jax, Leo, Hannah, Felix, and Sofia, each taking on vital roles within the ranks, strengthening their bond through shared challenges.
The story explores themes of courage, unity, and the fight against oppression as the Freedom Fighters face overwhelming odds. With the enemy producing an endless supply of Phantom Drones from their resource-rich planet, Obsidion, the stakes are higher than ever. As battles unfold, Mira and her team must navigate treacherous landscapes, form new alliances, and confront their deepest fears to reclaim their freedom and ensure a brighter future for all ZOID pilots.
In the year 2026, an alien race called the Zlocu led under the command of the bloodthirsty Emperor, Malgan Tomentradi, are waging war across the stars, believing that the era of peace was slowing down the next step of universal evolution. Now, they are determined to "awaken" everyone to let them know how peace made them weak.
Recovering from a devastating global conflict, planet Earth took one of the worst hits from the Zlocu's onslaught. Despite the efforts of various governments, the Zlocu occupied 80% of Earth. Everything seemed hopeless until a group of celestial beings called "The Guardians" started to intervene in the conflict, spurred on by the discovery of the four physical incarnations that represent the principles of the Universe itself.
All of them found on planet Earth, three Humans and an Alien.
Now, these four heroes and other factions must work together to defeat the Zlocu Empire and Malgan's reign of tyranny. But more than war, they also must discover the meaning of being a hero and a warrior in the modern world, one in which Humanity may have lost its way.
A tribute to the favorite anime and Science Fiction works of the 80s to the early 21st century, this is one tale to witness.
1ST Place in Sci-fi category in the Purple Stars Awards
7TH Place in Sci-fi category in the Royalty Awards
Cover by: Shrutiluvbooks