In a world once divided by ancient magic, each species lived in secluded realms. Mermaids ruled the deep oceans, elves thrived in enchanted forests, orcs built their strength in rugged caves, and dragons soared over the sky's peaks, divided between ice and fire. Goblins living in the swamps of the marshlands.
Shapeshifters wandered in shadows, and the sky people dwelled in sky realms, distant from earthly matters. For centuries, these territories remained separate, each guarding its own secrets.
But this balance shattered when war erupted, spreading darkness and destruction across the land. Homes were destroyed, families lost, and the world itself bore deep scars. Only after devastation did the realms realize that their isolation had been their downfall. From the ashes, a fragile peace emerged, with old enemies becoming allies.
In the aftermath, a new generation arose-9 teenagers born amidst hope for unity. Tasked with an unprecedented mission, they must traverse an ancient labyrinth that holds the keys to their world's history and potential salvation. Brought together by fate, young members of various races-mermaids, orcs, dragons, elves, and others-struggle to bridge the gaps between their differing ways of life.
This is a tale of ancient magic, clashing realms, and tentative alliances, where the fate of the world rests in the hands of those who carry both the legacy of war and the hope of a new beginning.
Aetheria, a land once vibrant with magic, now lies in the grip of a darkness that refuses to fade. The war that ravaged its lands left scars too deep to heal and secrets too dangerous to reveal. The magical society, once the guardians of hope, withdrew into the shadows, sealing their world away from the mundane, leaving the ruins to fester in silence.
But silence breeds fear, and fear breeds nightmares.
In the ordinary world, four unsuspecting individuals are about to be dragged into a reality they can barely comprehend. They carry the blood of Aetheria, a cursed inheritance that binds them to a fate they cannot escape. As the barriers between their world and Aetheria weaken, they are thrust into a dark and twisted reality where nothing is as it seems.
Mishaps plague their every step; hardship becomes their constant companion. They struggle to accept the horrors unfolding around them, questioning their sanity as the lines between reality and nightmare blur. Powerful enemies, born of ancient magic and unrelenting hatred, emerge from the shadows, determined to destroy them before they can understand their true purpose.
The gateway to Aetheria is opening, and with it comes a storm of chaos and fear. The four must confront the darkness within and without, facing battles they are ill-prepared for, in a world where trust is a luxury and survival is never guaranteed.
But in the end, how do you fight an enemy when you never knew reality-the new reality you've been thrust into?