Kartik, a bright and talented medical student whose life takes turns he never expected. Trauma caused in his life makes him sail through the most unexpected life he had ever imagined as a merit-list student. His struggle to cope with academics, relationships, and identity slowly gets rebuilt as he bounces back into medical school. He is close to his sister Sakshi, a third-year medical student who derives strength from this sibling bonding as they support each other through all odds of medical life.
Most of the emotions which were not resolved in his childhood start living again when Kartik meets Meera, a second-year student, who has an immense amount of unresolved history between them. Now, while trying to reconstruct his life, he would have to confront trauma, personal loss, and even the working of karmas seemingly pushing him towards this journey.
This story, set amidst the tough world of medical school, takes pieces of friendship, family, and pursued dreams and shows how personal and professional lives are interlinked, how destinies are shaped by blueprints one makes at every decision taken.
Each chapter unfolds Kartik's growth in coming to terms with his past, rebuilding his identity, carving a way into an uncertain but hopeful future.
A Story of Love, Loss, and Second Chances
Ever had a school crush? Me too. Ever experienced first love? Me too. But just like me for Kayra, it didn't end well. Unlike me, her fate has other plans for her. Her teenage love story with Kriyansh, filled with dreams and promises, shattered in their second year of medical college. Kayra moved abroad with her two best friends. Seven years later, fate takes a surprising turn as Kriyansh re-enters her life unknowingly.
This story is not only about their love story but is strongly revolved around their group of friends who has their own reason to leave the house and stay together as a family abroad, to avoid daily family drama.
"Some people are only meant to be a chapter in your story, not the whole book. And now, this chapter is closed." Kayra said,
Little did she know, fate had other plans for them, intertwining their lives once again. Kriyansh is considering working in the same hospital as Kayra to win her back, but Kayra has permanently closed the chapter on Kriyansh.
Will fate be in their favor? Whose fate will prevail? Is this the end of the Kriyra chapter forever, or the beginning of a new chapter?