His world was filled with darkness, so much that it was impossible for someone to even look into his eyes. That night when I met him in the rain, darkness all around, I did not know what his eyes held. I was in an illusion from the beginning, the mirage that he was my knight in shining armor, when he was the devil of my desires. Now, when I have realized who he really is, I have decided to escape him. For obvious reasons, I decided to run and run to escape the darkness. But every time I try, my hopes get crushed by those black hawk eyes, somehow those eyes, his eyes that hold the depth of deep black, dark oceans meet my very own brown eyes and again I am trapped in his world full of darkness. I am an escapist and he is my prisoner. I want to leave while he has chained me to himself. My hopes are all under the pool of darkness, where my heart beats at an unknown pace. Indian FMC X Italian MMC