For millions of years, Earth has been abandoned, left behind by human civilizations that reached for the stars. Each time, humanity built itself up, only to face an apocalyptic event that forced them to flee. Now, a mysterious probe named Aria, sent by one of these distant colonies, is returning to investigate the long-lost home of its creators. They expected to find a dead world-silent, empty, forgotten. But instead, Aria discovers something far more surprising: a thriving, connected society on the brink of a technological revolution.
Adrian Ramirez has always been smart-brilliant, even-but driven by something deeper, something personal. After losing his wife, whom he married just before her untimely death, Adrian became obsessed with completing the AI project they'd dreamed of together. It's not just science anymore. It's a promise. A way to hold on to the only thing he has left of her. And now, Adrian's work is about to change everything, putting him at the center of a breakthrough that could alter humanity's future forever.
But unknown to Adrian, he's not the only one interested in this AI. Beneath the surface of history, an ancient, secretive group known as the Watchers has been pulling the strings for centuries. They've watched civilizations rise and fall, all while believing they alone have the right to decide who gets to leave Earth and who stays behind. When they learn that Aria-a probe from a civilization that left Earth long before they did-has arrived, their carefully maintained control starts to unravel. Their paranoia leads them to make moves that will ripple through the future of the planet.
As Adrian and Aria uncover long-buried truths about Earth's cycles of destruction and rebirth, they find themselves racing against time to unlock the potential of AI, evade the Watchers, and, maybe, finally take control of their own destinies. The future of humanity might just depend on it.
Y/N is one of the few to survive Addwaitya's mass genocide against the people of Ledgerdomain, with the help of his parents he fled to Earth to escape the mad tyrants wrath but his parents weren't so lucky.
One day Y/N's life would change after he discovered a powerful device called the "Ultimatrix", maybe one day he will grow powerful enough to retake his home world from the evil Addwaitya.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the art used in this book and all rights go to the owners!