29 parts Complete Not everyone has the wisdom of Soloman, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.
Not everyone can be like Billy Batson has being Shazam. But when the new girl to the household of mischief Carly Mandy Ivy who has a secret that could change the faith of DC universe.
Carly Ivy goes by the name Athena when she is her hero form. She does not age like Billy but she does have some wild and crazy powers she is still trying to figure out. Some of these are like super strength , mind control , telekensis , flying, etc.
What happens when Black Adam and some other Villians come along to stop the new come heroes. Will Carly's past of who she is and who she is related to come out or will Billy think differently of the girl he thought was normal.
Find out in Shazam and Athena.
Start Date : 8th April, 2019
Finish Date: Unfinished; but ended (new updated version titled Athena - Shazam)
Thank you everyone for the support this far, I'm hoping to bring Carly Ivy Justice.