Title: "Cast to Kill"
Genre: Action, Horror, Comedy
"Cast to Kill" follows Buddy Ray, a redneck fisherman from the swamps of Louisiana. Buddy is an expert with a fishing rod, known for his unmatched skill in casting and reeling in massive game. His peaceful life is shattered when a mysterious virus spreads, turning people into ravenous zombies. As the undead swarm the small fishing town, Buddy discovers that his titanium-hooked fishing rod, built for catching giant catfish, is the perfect weapon for zombie slaying.
Armed with nothing but his trusty rod, Buddy develops a unique fighting style where he casts his line with deadly precision, using the titanium hook to impale, decapitate, and trap zombies. As the zombie apocalypse unfolds, Buddy embarks on a journey across the swamplands to rescue his friends and family, encountering eccentric survivors, rival fishermen, and mutated creatures born from the contaminated waters.
Buddy's quick wit and crude humor contrast the horror around him, and his fishing expertise becomes his greatest weapon as he faces off against waves of zombies, using his hook to lasso, slice, and even electrify his foes. Along the way, Buddy teams up with Tina, a no-nonsense mechanic who builds zombie-killing machines, and Old Man Marv, a mysterious hermit who claims to know the source of the outbreak.
The series balances intense action with comedy, as Buddy quips while taking out zombies and constantly improvises new ways to use his rod as a weapon. From hooking zombies off rooftops to reeling them into traps, Buddy's resourcefulness knows no bounds. As the group fights their way to safety, they uncover a deeper conspiracy behind the outbreak, one that threatens not just their town but the entire world.
"Cast to Kill" delivers a mix of zombie-slaying action, redneck ingenuity, and over-the-top humor, perfect for fans of both horror and quirky protagonists.