Josette Roy, a young woman who had just moved away from her unstable household, Frankenmuth, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. Not only because she needed to get away from her addict parents, but also because she had just turned 18, and she knew her parents would use that as some type of way to completely kick her out of the house and not take responsibility at all for her, which they barely did in the first place, so she had already been planning to get away as soon as she turned 18, and thought everything ahead. She had already had a few decent paying jobs in the past three years to save up all the money for the move, which worked out well. She was for once, happy. But little did she know, dangers were only waiting for her.
"Don't touch me" He said through gritted teeth, "I don't know what I'll do if you touch me"
My heart dropped.
"I don't want to see you like this" I frowned and hesitantly tried to touch his shoulder, but he grabbed my hand tightly but gently.
"Fuck it" He murmured as he held my jaw and pressed his lips on mine.
(The guy is 22 and the girl is 17 a few months away from 18. If you're bothered by that please don't read it.)