In this unique and enchanting tale, Princess Y/N and Prince Naveen, are transformed into frogs after the prince foolishly pulls his sister into messing around with the shadow man. As frogs, they meet a charming waitress and her brother who thanks to the prince & Princess (who at first disagreed with the idea) falls victim to the same curse. Together, they all embark on a magical adventure, meeting colorful characters such as a gator and a firefly along the way.
Through their journey, they learn that to break the spell and regain their human forms, the prince or princess must receive a kiss from, Charlotte or Charlie, Tiana and Tyler's best friends before the stroke of midnight. Despite their efforts, they fail to meet the deadline. However, an unexpected bond forms between the princess and the waitress, leading to a heartfelt marriage between the two.
Miraculously, their love and commitment to each other break the curse, allowing them to transform back into humans. Fueled by their shared experiences, the princess and the waitress decide to open a restaurant together, where they serve delectable dishes and create a place of joy and love for others. With their happily ever after secured, they continue to inspire others with their remarkable story of love, friendship, and resilience.
Time For A Little Surprise (Male Seelkadoom Reader x Fem Sonic IDW Comics)
73 parts Ongoing
73 parts
After your defeat, Sonic decided to spare you.You became something of a anti-hero like Shadow and help them on their adventures.The mad doctor now has a new plan, let us see where that takes you