In this unique and enchanting tale, Princess Y/N and Prince Naveen, are transformed into frogs after the prince foolishly pulls his sister into messing around with the shadow man. As frogs, they meet a charming waitress and her brother who thanks to the prince & Princess (who at first disagreed with the idea) falls victim to the same curse. Together, they all embark on a magical adventure, meeting colorful characters such as a gator and a firefly along the way.
Through their journey, they learn that to break the spell and regain their human forms, the prince or princess must receive a kiss from, Charlotte or Charlie, Tiana and Tyler's best friends before the stroke of midnight. Despite their efforts, they fail to meet the deadline. However, an unexpected bond forms between the princess and the waitress, leading to a heartfelt marriage between the two.
Miraculously, their love and commitment to each other break the curse, allowing them to transform back into humans. Fueled by their shared experiences, the princess and the waitress decide to open a restaurant together, where they serve delectable dishes and create a place of joy and love for others. With their happily ever after secured, they continue to inspire others with their remarkable story of love, friendship, and resilience.
"Let me get this straight." I ran a hand through my tight curls. "You, Ray, and Louis vandalized Shadow Mans house yesterday."
"Yep." Naveen quietly drummed his strong fingers on the table.
"He caught y'all, and threatened to call the police but you talked him out of it by promising you'll help out around his high school campus."
"Uh huh."
"He agreed so now Louis is on Lunch duty, Ray helps direct band and chores, and...your what again?"
"The school mascot." He sighed heavily. " For the next 3 months I have to be..The Bayou Bullfrog..."
I stared at him for a while until I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. "And you think I...HAHAHAHAHA... You think I'm gonna take your place?"
"Just every other game, thats all I ask."
I laughed even harder. "You. Are. TRIP-ING! You snobby little rich boy."
"Come on Tiana please, I'll make it up to you really-"
"You shouldn't have been messing with the shadow man in the first place. Even if i wanted to, I don't have time to help you. Some of us have jobs to worry about and bills to pay-"
"Thats it!I'll pay you." He said desperately. " I happen to come from a fabulously wealthy family. If theres anything you desire at all, I'll pay for it. I swear."
I thought about this for a while. Naveen was exceedingly rich, after all he was a prince, surly he could pay for me to go back to college. "Anything..."