My mother died and my father went a little bonkers. Sounds bad, doesn't it? It's not. Not for me. I have never related to my father more than I do now that he's blood thirsty and 'childish', and takes what he wants unapologetically. Though I'd say he's more responsible and in control than me, considering that he managed to build an empire in the middle of the apocalypse. While he does all the business I'm just living my best life here, doing what I want with power over everyone and everything, rolling in silk bed sheets and warm bodies. Though one thing is missing. Dirty, worn out guy that looks at me like I'm a piece of shit stuck to the bottom of his shoe, but when he looks at me with those pretty blue eyes, I can't help but follow him into the place where I'm falling to the bottom of the food chain, looked down upon and cursed, hated. All to be close to him for one more minute.