This story revolves around a young woman, our female protagonist, who is constantly frustrated by her parents' attempts to arrange blind dates for her. Despite her reluctance to meet new suitors, her parents persist, much to her dismay. One morning, she calls her close-knit group of friends, known affectionately as "the nightingales," to vent about her latest marriage meeting disaster. The friends arrive at her house, and the playful dynamic between them and her parents ensues.
Her father, determined to set her up on another blind date, tries to win her over with promises of a fully-sponsored girls' trip if she agrees to meet this new suitor. The protagonist is torn between her irritation at her father's broken promises and the tempting offer of a trip with her friends. Her friends encourage her to accept, while she remains skeptical, unsure whether to give in to the pressure or stand her ground.
The story captures the humorous, heartwarming tensions between family, tradition, and personal desires, with the protagonist navigating the pressures of arranged marriage while staying true to herself.