Love Me Tender is an enchanting romantic fan fiction set in the whirlwind world of 1950s fame, where Elvis Presley, at the height of his career, meets a woman who sees beyond his fame and fortune. The story follows the King of Rock and Roll as he navigates the pressures of stardom, balancing his meteoric rise to fame with the unexpected connection he forms with Margot, a mysterious woman whose quiet confidence draws him in.
Unlike the adoring fans who surround him, Margot is unimpressed by his celebrity status and instead sees the vulnerable man behind the music. As their bond deepens, Elvis finds solace and peace in her presence, but Margot struggles with the spotlight that comes with dating one of the most famous men in the world.
As they battle through rumors, media scrutiny, and their own insecurities, the couple must decide if their love is strong enough to survive the challenges that threaten to tear them apart. In Love Me Tender, readers are invited into a heartwarming yet poignant tale of passion, vulnerability, and the search for a love that transcends fame.
In which, a 15 year old signs up to play the games, unknowing of the friendships she'd make and the people she'd lose.
( published 11/10/2021 )
( completed 18/10/2021 )
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