This story follows Kuro Morales, a schoolboy trying to manage getting by in his classes while also attempting to deal with his crushing feelings for one of his classmates ALONG with his own personal issues. How will he ever manage to do it all? Younger readers are suggested to not read if uncomfortable with the topics of this story. The harm mentioned in this story will not focus on the act itself, but rather on the attempt to recover and the negative consequences. This is not a glorification of SH. ------ Wattpad guidelines: Content that contains lots of description might be rated Mature, and stories that glorify or do not "tell a story" might be removed. "Telling a story" means the work must have a plot unrelated to the self-harm scene/s, or must show a progression or growth in its characters. We want to encourage healthy discussions about these issues, so content about recovery, survival, or that portray the negative consequences of self-harm are acceptable on Wattpad. ------ Thank you, Wattpad.