In the chaotic world of Bigg Boss, 15 contestants from diverse backgrounds come together under one roof to battle it out for the ultimate prize. Among them, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook quickly find themselves drawn to each other, while Park Chaeyoung's jealousy threatens to stir up trouble. Friendships will form, alliances will break, and love will blossom in this high-stakes reality show where only one can emerge victorious. Will true love survive the game, or will ambition tear it apart?
Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung are thrust into an arranged marriage they never wanted. Both have built cold walls around themselves, scarred by past heartbreaks. Taehyung's father, aware of his son's pain, hopes this union will help him heal. As two men with icy hearts navigate their forced life together, will they thaw each other out, or remain frozen in their shared misery?