In the distant future, society is ruled by a powerful global alliance that governs the last remaining cities on Earth. The world is recovering from decades of war, climate collapse, and disease outbreaks that devastated the population. Survival is now dependent on following strict societal rules governed by an enigmatic authority known as "The Council." The world is plagued by the blaring sound of sirens-a warning system that's hardwired into every corner of civilization. These sirens dictate the rhythms of daily life. They signal curfews, dangerous environmental zones, and emergency protocol. But beyond just regulating the surface world, the sirens have a deeper meaning. They serve as a warning for when "the Fog" rolls in. The Fog is an enigmatic force of nature-a toxic, mysterious substance that sweeps through the air, transforming everything in its path. No one knows where it came from, but once the sirens sound, everyone must retreat indoors. Prolonged exposure to the Fog leads to madness, deformities, and sometimes worse: a complete loss of humanity. In this world, fear of the Fog is ever-present.
35 parts