Veronica vividly remembers her older sister, the yelling with their parents, the cuddles, the smiles, the fights, the bad, the good. But the memory of her sister that's always haunted her was the night she left.
Ronnie had her'd yelling, it was like any other night, except this time it was her fault. She'd found the pregnancy test, she'd asked mom if she was getting a sister. The pregnancy test hadn't been mom's. It was Laney's. Ronnie knew about the boys in the basement, sneaking out to parties, going on dates, covering for Laney when she asked. Ronnie was snapped out of her downward spiral by the door opening. "Laney!" Ronnie exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" Laney smiled at Ronnie and sat on the edge of her bed. "Ronnie, I'm going to be away for a while, okay? Just taking a trip for the summer, I'll be back for your first day of 5th grade." Ronnie had nodded and Laney had wiped her tears. Little did Ronnie knew, Laney wouldn't be back ever again.
Veronica had convinced herself on something she didn't even know what, but she never thought that almost exactly eighteen years after the last time she saw her older sister, the child of the pregnancy that caused it all would come knocking.