Raven Hale Macahilos, a bright and ambitious student, finds herself deeply entwined in a passionate love story with Deynielle Penth Kang, a captivating transfer student. Their friendship blossoms into a beautiful romance, filled with laughter, unforgettable adventures, and heartfelt promises of a shared future. Just when they are on the verge of taking their relationship to the next level with a dream wedding, tragedy strikes.
A tragic accident leaves Deynielle in a coma, plunging Raven into a nightmare of fear. When he awakens, her heart shatters as he no longer remembers their love, their dreams, or their promises~~
Will Raven's unwavering love be enough to bridge the chasm of forgotten memories, or will the cruel hand of fate forever sever the threads that bound their hearts together?
Started: 10-16-2024