The story revolves around Jasmine Bilzerian and Judd Birch, two teenagers from chaotic backgrounds who find solace in each other's company during late-night encounters. Jasmine, overwhelmed by the constant noise and dysfunction at home, takes to wandering the quiet streets at night to escape. She often passes by Judd's house, where he can be found outside-smoking, working on his motorcycle, or simply avoiding his own family. Known for his aloofness and mysterious demeanor, Judd is an outcast who seems to prefer solitude.
Initially, their meetings are brief and casual, marked by small talk and shared silence, but an unspoken connection begins to grow. Both are reluctant to admit they're seeking comfort from their chaotic lives, yet they find themselves drawn to each other night after night. Their relationship evolves slowly, marked by moments of mutual understanding and tension, with each secretly grappling with feelings they don't fully understand.
As the story unfolds, Jasmine and Judd's bond deepens through a series of small but significant interactions. They start to confide in each other, revealing vulnerabilities they keep hidden from the world. Yet, the path to love is fraught with emotional barriers, misunderstandings, and fears that keep them from acknowledging what's building between them. The slow burn romance explores themes of loneliness, self-discovery, and finding connection in unexpected places, all while the two navigate the challenges of their individual lives and the growing realization that they may need each other more than they thought.
The narrative stretches across many chapters, with a focus on subtle, angsty moments that build the tension, leading to a gradual and satisfying payoff when they finally confront their feelings.