In the realm of Nocturnia, a world of eternal twilight, five supernatural beings-Emily, a vampire; Jake, a zombie; Max, a werewolf; Sophie, a witch; and Lily, a ghost-unite to navigate a world teeming with undead species, political conflict, and ancient magic. As they face threats from demons, fallen angels, and ancient forces seeking to drain the power of the twilight wells that sustain their world, their friendship is tested. Along the way, each character must confront their own nature while dealing with growing tensions between their species and a looming ancient evil that threatens to consume all of Nocturnia.
Please note that I am open to feedback
The intense trials and tribulations of school, friendships, heartbreak, and mystery continue as a new development unexpectedly returns to Ninjago putting Lloyd and his loved ones in danger. There is a scary new enemy, a surprisingly new arrival, a strange discovery from the distant past, and romantic developments in store for the pack...