I don't own any character belonging to classroom of the elite Genre: Psychological Thriller, Drama, Reincarnation Description: Akash Chaturvedi, a brilliant post-graduate student in statistics, meets an unexpected end only to awaken in a world he once thought fictional-the world of Classroom of the Elite. Reincarnated as the infant son of the ruthless Atsuomi Ayanokoji, Akash finds himself in the infamous White Room, a brutal experiment designed to create the perfect human being. Unlike Kiyotaka, who rebelled against his father's methods, Akash admires Atsuomi's ambition and is drawn to his ideals of perfection. But his goals go beyond just survival-he wants to know his own limits, exceed them, and ultimately become a flawless politician. Navigating the cruel, high-stakes environment of the White Room, Akash draws on the philosophies of the Mahabharat to understand the psychological and strategic battles that unfold around him. In a world where manipulation, intelligence, and ambition reign supreme, Akash is determined to play the game his way, using Atsuomi's training as a foundation for his own rise to power. Yet, he harbors no intention of becoming a mere tool. Armed with knowledge of the future and his insatiable drive for self-mastery, Akash sets out to rewrite his destiny and craft a legacy that will surpass even his father's wildest dreams
8 parts