In a ruthless world filled with magic and gods, lived Hara's and humans. These two lived in a fine balance of power. Years passed of wars waged before humans came into power, while the Hara's went extinct. One such human, America, crown prince of the England kingdom, found himself with his whole life planned out for him. He had wealth, power, and a promising future as a king of his people. All his life was spent training and preparing for his eventually time to rule. Everything was perfect. Until fate decided to throw all of that out of window. America had now found himself kidnapped by two wanted criminals who took him away from all he had ever known. Mysteriously enough it now seemed that the two criminals were the very creatures everyone thought to have died years ago. Along the way their journey they meet foes, allies, and familiar faces that help to solve what exactly the criminals want with him and what happened with the extinction of the Hara's. Please do not steal or repost! Story and art made by: Sadface
3 parts