Swiss x Sodo! Sodo had been /tense/ as of late. Too tense. It was right before tour and he was more aggressive than ever. Someone else gets something wrong? He's biting their head off. He gets something wrong? He's still biting their head off- he had become a /huge/ buzzkill whenever they would practice. Usually people would fine it funny whenever Sodo got angry. But lately? People have been getting annoyed. Or even scared to get something wrong in fear Sodo would burn them to a crisp- Of course Swiss had noticed this. He frowned and his ears drooped as he watched Sodo yell at poor Phantom. Even Copia was getting uncomfortable and worried about his Ghoulehs with all Sodos rage. So one day.... Swiss decided he had enough of this. And he would figure out /what/ is making Sodo so particularly stressed.All Rights Reserved